Thursday, May 28, 2009

Newspaper Planters

Hey all. I have been hard at work recently with wedding stuff and I promise I have photos, but I'm not going to post them quite yet. Instead, I'm going to start sharing a few of the awesome links I find in my quest through blog-land.

Here's the first:
Isn't it clever? There is an old Seattle P.I. box in front of my apartment and I'm bummed that I don't have the necessary tools to make the plywood insert, otherwise one of these would be out on 15th!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

May 9th - Pic Heavy!

Andy and I had our engagement photos taken yesterday by our wonderful photographer, Brandon Patoc. He was great to work with and he took our photos for over two hours! We walked around different areas on campus, and we're both really excited to see what they turn out like.

The weather is finally starting to heat up, and today I went to the Volunteer Park's Annual Plant Sale. I went last year with Jackie, and we found out we had to take two buses to get there. I ended up hauling the plants I bought back in a suitcase which was interesting to say the least. This year I was able to borrow a car though which made for much happier times! A and I have been touring through a few thrift stores recently and we've found quite a few wonderful things. On the island we used to frequent the Senior Thrift Store, and when we moved out here we discovered that while we were in a larger city, the thrift stores were lacking in comparison to the island's. However, now we've become bi-weekly visitors to the Dearborn Goodwill in the International District. It has to be the largest thrift store I've ever been to and it's full of wonderful things all at *great* prices.
These two cups were just .50 each!

This suitcase is in great shape and is the perfect carry-on size. At $5 we couldn't resist.There were two of these tins, one for coffee and the other labeled "tea". $2 each!

Andy has been wanting a martini shaker, and we found this one at the Dearborn Goodwill. It was only $4 and is from Pottery Barn. It turns out P.B. still sells them... at $40 each. Ouch! You can twist the outside cylinder to show different drink recipes which I think is pretty sweet. Now we just have to collect the rest of the drinkware!

These salt and pepper shakers came from what I believe was my first garage sale in Seattle. Only $1!

Recently, Andy and I have been working on the thank you cards and the announcements. We were going to line the envelopes for the announcements with the same paper as the invites, but then we were informed that the paper is no longer being made. A few people ended up with invites that were lacking the liners as well because of this. Luckily were were able to find some paper that is the same as the original paper, just in brown. It wasn't our first choice but it works quite well.

Here are some photos of the plants I got at the sale, and the glass containers I found at the thrift store for a few of them. I always look longingly at some of the glasses and votive holders, etc, at the thrift store but I never knew what to do with them. However, now I'm just going to pot a few plants in them!

We've gathered a few more things for the wedding too. Here are a few:

The birds! We were able to find feathered birds for a great price: 12 for $6.50.

The pins- the glass container we found at the thrift store for just .50.

And last but not least, the promised picture of the finished cupcake garland in our kitchen: