Monday, June 1, 2009


First up: Straw Flowers! Andy and I spent a lot of time watching his dad, Albert, grow these and then affix them to wire stems, and now we're loving the idea of having them in the wedding. Here's what we're going to do with them:

Next up: Boutonnieres
Here are the first three for the groomsmen:
The second two for the groomsmen:
The boutonnieres for my dad and Andy's dad:
And last but not least, Andy's!
I considered purchasing the bouts on etsy, but the average price was around $15 each. Instead, I purchased $28 (with shipping) worth of flowers from Papier Valise, and voila! Well, no, it wasn't nearly that easy! It took me an evening but it was definitely worth it. They ended up being around $3.50 each and I had plenty of left over leaves, flowers and feathers. The hardest part was definnitely wrapping the dang ribbon around the stems. Ugh.

This is a picture of the backside of our thank you letters. I won't say more than that but these thank yous are pretty neat!

This is one of 11 designs Andy and I had made for us by a wonderful seller on etsy. I designed them on PhotoShop (this one is a photo of mine, taken of one of the birds on a postcard) and then I emailed them to a woman who made 200 of them for us for only $35 with shipping, and got them to us within a week! If anyone is looking for her name just email me and I'll send you her info.

Lastly I'm going to leave you all with this photo of little tiny chicks that my sister bought Andy and I around Easter. They all fit in one little Easter egg and they're the most adorable things. I got them out recently to play around and they're quite fun and hilarious to pose.

For pictures of our recent trip to Mt. Rainier check out my flickr page:
We had quite a bit of fun looking at the springs up there, and now we're dreaming about possibly camping sometime this summer. Fun! Does anyone have fun plans for the summer?

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